April 24, 2017

Stars Above & Everything Else

Definitively in my mind, there is no way that extra terrestrials do not exist. But what truly fascinates me is the concept of whether or not they would be friendly to us here on Earth.

The ones that I saw visiting our planet: were they friendly? Or were there more sinister plans? I felt a presence, a force, something not of this world when they arrived. But is that a good thing? What exactly does that mean?

And if there are in fact among us, that MUST mean there are more out there. But what do they look like? I don't believe in the classic design of "aliens", that's a complete work of fiction. It's entirely possible that the form they take might not be something our minds can even comprehend.

Or maybe, in fact, their form is something we're entirely familiar with already. We just don't know it yet.

D.W. Maverick

April 14, 2017

The Origin of Maverick

When I was 14, I was awoken by a loud noise outside my window. I don't think I've ever been so terrified in my life, even to this day. Yet something about that experience felt like it was beckoning me. I felt a calling. I got out of my bed, I opened my bedroom door, and proceeded to go down the stairs. I heard a buzzing that got increasingly louder as I approached my back porch. I couldn't see anything because of how bright the light shining in was. And before I even got to step outside, it was gone in an instant.

I think about that night every single day.

After I shared that story with others, I was ridiculed and mocked. I heard that I must have been dreaming, or was lying for attention. Even though nobody else believed me, this was all the proof I needed to confirm the following fact for me: We are not alone.

This is something that I am certain of. And I promise that one day I will be able to prove this to the rest of the world. I don't know how or what it will be, but I do know that as soon as I figure it out, I'll be posting it to this blog. This is the start of what comes next.

D.W. Maverick