April 14, 2017

The Origin of Maverick

When I was 14, I was awoken by a loud noise outside my window. I don't think I've ever been so terrified in my life, even to this day. Yet something about that experience felt like it was beckoning me. I felt a calling. I got out of my bed, I opened my bedroom door, and proceeded to go down the stairs. I heard a buzzing that got increasingly louder as I approached my back porch. I couldn't see anything because of how bright the light shining in was. And before I even got to step outside, it was gone in an instant.

I think about that night every single day.

After I shared that story with others, I was ridiculed and mocked. I heard that I must have been dreaming, or was lying for attention. Even though nobody else believed me, this was all the proof I needed to confirm the following fact for me: We are not alone.

This is something that I am certain of. And I promise that one day I will be able to prove this to the rest of the world. I don't know how or what it will be, but I do know that as soon as I figure it out, I'll be posting it to this blog. This is the start of what comes next.

D.W. Maverick

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